Apache NiFi Expression Language GuidePDF version


Description: Returns a string that is the Subject repeated a random number of times between min repeats and max repeats. If max repeats is not supplied, it will return the Subject repeated exactly min repeats times.

The min repeats and max repeats must be positive numbers, with max repeats greater than or equal to min repeats

If either min repeats or max repeats is not a number, this function call will result in an error.

Subject Type: String


  • min repeats : The minimum number (inclusive) of times to repeat the subject, or the exact number of times to repeat the subject if max repeats is not supplied.

  • max repeats : The maximum number (inclusive) of times to repeat the subject.

Return Type: String


If we have an attribute named "str" with the value "abc", then the following Expressions will result in the following values:








abc or abcabc (at random)

${str:repeat( ${str:length()} )}

abc or abcabc or abcabcabc (at random)