Apache NiFi Admin GuidePDF version

Runtime Monitoring Properties

Long-Running Task Monitor periodically checks the NiFi processor executor threads and produces warning logs and bulletin messages for those that have been running for a longer period of time. It can be used to detect possibly stuck / hanging processor tasks. Please note the performance impact of the task monitor: it creates a thread dump for every run that may affect the normal flow execution. The Long-Running Task Monitor can be disabled via defining no values for its properties, and it is disabled by default. To enable it, both nifi.monitor.long.running.task.schedule and nifi.monitor.long.running.task.threshold properties need to be configured with valid time periods.




The time period between successive executions of the Long-Running Task Monitor (e.g. 1 min).


The time period beyond which a task is considered long-running, i.e. stuck / hanging (e.g. 5 mins).