DeploymentPDF version

Install PostgreSQL

Learn how to install a PostgreSQL external database for use with NiFi Registry.

If you have already installed a MySQL database, you may skip these steps. Both databases are not required.

For a list of supported PostgreSQL databases, see Supported NiFi Registry databases.

  1. Install Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) according to the requirements of your operating system:
    yum install
  2. Install Postgres version 9.x or 10.x:
    yum install postgresql96-server postgresql96-contrib postgresql96
  3. Initialize the database.
    For CentOS 7, use the following syntax:
    /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/postgresql96-setup initdb
  4. Start Postgres.
    For example, if you are using CentOS 7, use the following syntax:
    systemctl enable postgresql-9.6.service
    systemctl start postgresql-9.6.service
  5. Verify that you can log in:
    sudo su postgres

Once you have installed PostgreSQL, configure the database for use with NiFi Registry.