Apache NiFi Admin GuidePDF version

NAR Providers

NiFi supports fetching NAR files for the autoloading feature from external sources. This can be achieved by using NAR Providers. A NAR Provider serves as a connector between an external data store and NiFi.

When configured, a NAR Provider polls the external source for available NAR files and offers them to the framework. The framework then fetches new NAR files and copies them to the nifi.nar.library.autoload.directory for autoloading.

NAR Provider can be configured by adding the nifi.nar.library.provider.<providerName>.implementation property with value containing the proper implementation class. Some implementations might need further properties. These are defined by the implementation and must be prefixed with nifi.nar.library.provider.<providerName>..

The <providerName> is arbitrary and serves to correlate multiple properties together for a single provider. Multiple providers might be set, with different <providerName>. Currently NiFi supports HDFS based NAR provider.

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