Where To Go For More Information
In addition to this Getting Started Guide, more information about NiFi Registry and related features in NiFi can be found in the following guides:
NiFi User Guide - This guide provides information on how to navigate the Registry UI and explains in detail how to manage flows/policies/special privileges and configure users/groups when the Registry is secured.
NiFi Registry Administration Guide - A guide for setting up and administering Apache NiFi Registry. Topics covered include: system requirements, security configuration, user authentication, authorization, proxy configuration and details about the different system-level settings.
NiFi User Guide - A fairly extensive guide that is often used more as a Reference Guide, as it provides information on each of the different components available in NiFi and explains how to use the different features provided by the application. It includes the section https://nifi.apache.org/docs/nifi-docs/html/user-guide.html#versioning_dataflow which covers the integration of NiFi with NiFi Registry. Topics covered include: connecting to a registry, version states, importing a versioned flow and managing local changes.