UpgradePDF version

Before you upgrade

Before beginning your CFM upgrade, it is crucial that you review the migration and upgrade options, upgrade paths, and your CDP Private Cloud Base cluster requirements to ensure that you understand the pre-requisites.

You have two options for moving to CFM 2.1.3.

  • Upgrade refers to a full in-place upgrade of CFM to CDP Private Cloud Base.
  • Data migration refers to moving existing HDF cluster workloads to a new installation of CDP Private Cloud Base. For migration information see the Migration Guide.

You can upgrade to CFM 2.1.3 from the following previous version:

  • CFM 2.1.2
  • CFM 2.1.1
  • CFM 2.0.4
  • CFM 1.1.0

CFM 2.1.3 runs on the following CDP Private Cloud Base cluster versions:

  • 7.1.7
  • 7.1.7 SP1
  • 7.1.7 SP2