Apache NiFi Admin GuidePDF version

Encrypted Passwords in Flows

NiFi always stores all sensitive values (passwords, tokens, and other credentials) populated into a flow in an encrypted format on disk. The encryption algorithm used is specified by nifi.sensitive.props.algorithm and the password from which the encryption key is derived is specified by nifi.sensitive.props.key in nifi.properties (see Security Configuration for additional information). Prior to version 1.12.0, the list of available algorithms was all password-based encryption (PBE) algorithms supported by the EncryptionMethod enum in that version. Unfortunately many of these algorithms are provided for legacy compatibility, and use weak key derivation functions and block cipher algorithms & modes of operation. In 1.12.0, a pair of custom algorithms was introduced for security-conscious users looking for more robust protection of the flow sensitive values.

NiFi supports several configuration options to provide authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) using AES Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM). These algorithms use a strong Key Derivation Function to derive a secret key of specified length based on the sensitive properties key configured. Each Key Derivation Function uses a static salt in order to support flow configuration comparison across cluster nodes. Each Key Derivation Function also uses default iteration and cost parameters as defined in the associated secure hashing implementation class.

The following strong encryption methods can be configured in the nifi.sensitive.props.algorithm property:









Each Key Derivation Function uses the following default parameters:

  • Argon2

    • Iterations: 5

    • Memory: 65536 KB

    • Parallelism: 8

  • Bcrypt

    • Cost: 12

    • Derived Key Digest Algorithm: SHA-512

  • PBKDF2

    • Iterations: 160,000

    • Pseudorandom Function Family: SHA-512

  • Scrypt

    • Cost Factor (N): 16384

    • Block Size Factor (r): 8

    • Parallelization Factor (p): 1

All options require a password (nifi.sensitive.props.key value) of at least 12 characters. This means the "default" value (if left empty, a hard-coded default is used) will not be sufficient.