Restore an ML workspace

Restoring a backup overwrites the existing CML workspace (from which the backup was taken from) and automatically imports the restored data. All of the projects, jobs, applications and so on in the original workspace are recreated in the new one.

  1. In the Workspace Backups UI, find the workspace to restore. You can search for the workspace name or CRN. There can be multiple backups for a given workspace.
  2. Enter the workspace, and manually stop all workloads (sessions, jobs, applications, and models).
    For external NFS backed workspaces, copy the manual backup of external NFS data (corresponding to this particular backup) to the configured external NFS export. Ignore this step if the workspace is configured with internal NFS, as internal NFS data is backed up and restored automatically by CML.
  3. Look for the backup to restore, and click Restore. The restore process starts, and the workplace state changes to Creating workspace.
The restore process can take some time, depending on the amount of data to copy. When it is complete, you can find the restored workspace in the Workspaces UI.

Monitoring event logs

You can monitor the progress of the backup process by checking the event logs. In the Actions menu for the workspace, click View Event Logs, and then on the Events & Logs tab, click View Event Logs again for the latest backup event.

When the backup process completes, the workspace enters the installation completed state again.

If there were issues during backup, appropriate error messages will be displayed in the event logs. However the workspace will recover from failure and will be reverted back to the original state when backup was triggered.