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Configure core-site.xml for LZO

To enable LZO compression in your HDP cluster, you must install LZO compression libraries throughout the cluster and configure core-site.xml for LZO.

Enable automatic download and installation of LZO compression libraries.
  1. In Ambari WebBrowse to Services > HDFS > Configs, then expand Advanced core-site.
  2. Set the io.compression.codecs property value to: com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoCodec.
  3. Add a description of the config modification, then click Save.
  4. Expand the Custom core-site.xml section.
  5. Click Add Property.
  6. Add to Custom core-site.xml the following property key and value:

Property Key
Property Value

  1. Click Save.
  2. Add a description of the config modification, then click Save.
  3. Restart the HDFS, MapReduce2 and YARN services.
    If performing a Restart or a Restart All does not start the required package install, you may need to stop, then start the HDFS service to install the necessary LZO packages. Restart is only available for a service in the Running or Started state.