Hortonworks Docs
managing high availablity 2.7.4
Managing High Availability
Managing High Availability
Also available as:
Managing high availability
Enabling AMS high availability
Configuring NameNode high availability
Enable NameNode high availability
Manage JournalNodes
Rolling back NameNode high availablity
Stop HBase
Checkpoint the active NameNode
Stop all services
Prepare the Ambari server host for NameNode rollback
Restore the HBase configuration
Delete ZooKeeper failover controllers
Modify HDFS configurations
Re-create the standby NameNode
Re-enable the standby NameNode
Delete all JournalNodes
Delete the additional NameNode
Verify the HDFS components
Start HDFS
Configuring ResourceManager high availability
Enable ResourceManager high availability
Disable ResourceManager high availability
Configuring HBase high availability
Add a new HBase master to an existing cluster
Add a standby HBase master to a new cluster
Setting Up Multiple HBase Masters Manually
Configure passwordless ssh access for HBase
Prepare node-1 for Hbase
Prepare node-2 and node-3 for Hbase
Start and test your HBase cluster
Configuring Hive high availability
Add a Hive metastore component
Add a HiveServer2 component
Add a WebHCat server
Configuring Storm high availability
Add a Nimbus Component
Configuring Oozie high availability
Add an Oozie server component
Configuring Atlas high availability
Enabling Ranger admin high availability
Add a Nimbus Component
Ambari Web
, browse to
Service Actions
, click the
+ Add Nimbus
Click the host on which to install the additional Nimbus; then click
Confirm Add
Ambari installs the component and reconfigures Storm to handle multiple Nimbus instances.
Review and confirm all recommended configuration changes.
Parent topic:
Configuring Storm high availability
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