Uploading and unlocking your keytab in SSB

When accessing the Streaming SQL Console for the first time in Data Hub, you must upload and unlock the keytab file corresponding with your profile before you can use SQL Stream Builder (SSB).

The following message is displayed on the Console in case the keytabs are still locked:
  • Retrieve the keytab file for your user profile. For more information, see the Retrieving keytab file section.
  1. Navigate to the Streaming SQL Console.
    1. Navigate to Management Console > Environments, and select the environment where you have created your cluster.
    2. Select the Streaming Analytics cluster from the list of Data Hub clusters.
    3. Select Streaming SQL Console from the list of services.
    The Streaming SQL Console opens in a new window.
  2. Click your username at the right top corner of the Streaming SQL Console.
  3. Click Manage keytab.
    You are redirected to the Keytab Manager page.
  4. Click Choose file to upload your keytab file.
  5. Search and select your keytab file.
  6. Click Upload Keytab.
  7. Click Unlock Keytab.
    In case there is an error when unlocking your keytab, you can get more information about the issue with the following steps:
    1. Manually upload your keytab to the Streaming Analytics cluster:
      scp <location>/<your_keytab_file> <workload_username>@<manager_node_FQDN>:.
    2. Access the manager node of your Streaming Analytics cluster:
      ssh <workload_username>@<manager_node_FQDN>
                              Password: <workload_password>
    3. Use kinit command to authenticate your user:
      kinit -kt <keytab_filename>.keytab <workload_username>
    4. Use the flink-yarn-session command to see if the authentication works properly:
      flink-yarn-session -d \ 
      -D security.kerberos.login.keytab=<keytab_filename>.keytab \ 
      -D security.kerberos.login.principal=<workload_username>
    In case the command fails, you can review the log file for further information about the issue.