
When you use Replication Manager with Kerberos authentication enabled, you need specific ports to be open and accessible.

Make sure that the following ports are open and accessible on the source hosts to allow communication between the source and destination Cloudera Manager servers and the HDFS, Hive, MapReduce, and YARN hosts.

Service Default Port
Cloudera Manager Admin Console HTTP 7180
Cloudera Manager Admin Console HTTPS (with TLS enabled) 7183
Cloudera Manager Agent 9000
HDFS NameNode 8020
Key Management Server (KMS) 16000
HDFS DataNode 9866
NameNode WebHDFS 9870
YARN Resource Manager 8032
DataNode Secure 1004
NameNode Secure WebHDFS 9871
Hive Metastore 9083
Impala Catalog Server 26000

Additionally, the port used for the Kerberos KDC Server and KRB5 services must be open to all hosts on the destination cluster. By default, this is port 88.