Analyzing data with Apache FlinkPDF version

Grant permission for the ATLAS_HOOK topic

The Flink Atlas integration requires that users running Flink jobs have the privileges to write to the ATLAS_HOOK Kafka topic. Before you can use Atlas metadata management with Flink, you must grant permission to the user or user group to be able to send the Atlas lineage data through the ATLAS_HOOK Kafka topic.

Make sure that the atlas service user has publish privileges to the ATLAS_HOOK topic. For more information, see the Atlas documentation.

  1. Navigate to Management Console > Environments, and select the environment where you have created your cluster.
  2. Click on the Data Lake tab.
  3. Select Ranger from the services.
    You are redirected to the Ranger user interface.
  4. Select cm_kafka under the Kafka folder on the Service Manager page.
  5. Search for the ATLAS_HOOK from the Policy Name.
  6. Click on Edit.
  7. Add the user or group to the Select User text box under the Allow Conditions header.
  8. Click Save.

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