Planning your Streaming Analytics deploymentPDF version

Streaming Analytics cluster layout

The Light and Heavy Duty layouts differ from each other based on the volume of storage. You need to choose between the two options based on your operational objectives and application specifications.

You can use a Streaming Analytics: Light Duty cluster definition in development and testing scenarios. The Light Duty cluster definition can also be used in production for stateless Flink jobs or for Flink jobs with minimal state. The Light Duty cluster has the following specifications:
  • Flink, SQL Stream Builder, HDFS, YARN, Zookeeper and Kafka are co-located on all instances
  • For each node hosting Flink, SQL Stream Builder, HDFS, YARN, Zookeeper and Kafka
    • AWS: m5.2xlarge
    • Azure: Standard_D8_v3
    • GCP: e2-standard-8

For more information, see your cloud provider-specific information about instance types and storage information.

You can use a Streaming Analytics: Heavy Duty cluster definition in production for Flink jobs with large state with RockDB as state backend. The Heavy Duty cluster has the following specifications:
  • Flink, SQL Stream Builder, HDFS, YARN, Zookeeper and Kafka are co-located on all instances
  • For each node hosting Flink, SQL Stream Builder, HDFS, YARN, Zookeeper and Kafka
    • AWS: m5.2xlarge
    • Azure: Standard_D8_v3
    • GCP: e2-standard-8
  • For worker nodes:
    • Storage type: SSD
    • Volume size: 1000 GB

For more information, see your cloud provider-specific information about instance types and storage information.

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