Querying data with SQL Stream BuilderPDF version

Adding Hive as Catalog

You need to add Hive as a Catalog using the Streaming SQL Console in SQL Stream Builder (SSB) to create Hive tables with Flink DDL.

  • Make sure that you have Hive service on your cluster.
  • Make sure that you have the right permissions set in Ranger.
  1. Navigate to the Streaming SQL Console.
    1. Navigate to Management Console > Environments, and select the environment where you have created your cluster.
    2. Select the Streaming Analytics cluster from the list of Data Hub clusters.
    3. Select Streaming SQL Console from the list of services.
    The Streaming SQL Console opens in a new window.
  2. Click Data Providers from the main menu.
  3. Click Register Catalog.
    The Add Catalog window appears.
  4. Add a Name to your catalog.
  5. Select Hive from the Catalog Type drop-down.
  6. Click on Add Filter.
    1. Provide a Database and Table filter if you want to select specific tables to use from the catalog.
  7. Click on Validate.
  8. If the validation is successful, click Add Tables.
Hive is added as a Catalog and ready to be used in Flink DDL. The already existing tables in Hive are automatically imported to SSB.