Apache NiFi Registry REST API referencePDF version

4.6. Bucket

Name Description Schema

allowBundleRedeploy optional

Indicates if this bucket allows the same version of an extension bundle to be redeployed and thus overwrite the existing artifact. By default this is false.Example : true


allowPublicRead optional

Indicates if this bucket allows read access to unauthenticated anonymous usersExample : true


createdTimestamp optional read-only

The timestamp of when the bucket was first created. This is set by the server at creation time.Minimum value : 1 Example : 0

integer (int64)

description optional

A description of the bucket.Example : "string"


identifier optional read-only

An ID to uniquely identify this object.Example : "string"


link optional

An WebLink to this entity.Example : "4.35. JaxbLink"

4.35. JaxbLink

name required

The name of the bucket.Example : "string"


permissions optional

The access that the current user has to this bucket.Example : "4.36. Permissions"

4.36. Permissions

revision optional

The revision of this entity used for optimistic-locking during updates.Example : "4.46. RevisionInfo"

4.46. RevisionInfo

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