Creating your First Streams Messaging cluster in CDP Public CloudPDF version

Give users access to your cluster

As an EnvironmentAdmin, you need provide the users access to your environment and to the new Streams Messaging cluster by assigning user roles and adding users to Ranger policies.

The cluster you have created using the Streams Messaging cluster definition is kerberized and secured with SSL. Users can access cluster UIs and endpoints through a secure gateway powered by Apache Knox. Before you can begin working with Kafka, Schema Registry, Streams Messaging Manager, and Streams Replication Manager, you must give users access to the Streams Messaging cluster components.
  1. Assign the EnvironmentUser role to the users to grant access to the CDP environment and the Streams Messaging cluster.
  2. Sync the updated user permissions to the Data Lake (Ranger) using Actions > Synchronize Users to FreeIPA.
    This synchronizes the user to the FreeIPA identity management system to enable SSO.
  3. Add the user to the appropriate pre-defined Ranger policies.
    These policies are specified within the Ranger instance that provides authorization to the Kafka service in your Streams Messaging cluster.
    If needed, you can also create a custom Ranger access policy and add the user to it.