Creating your first Streaming Analytics Cluster in CDP Public CloudPDF version

Give users access to your cluster

As an EnvironmentAdmin, you need provide access to users to your environment and to the Streaming Analytics cluster by assigning user roles, adding users to Ranger policies, and creating IDBroker mappings.

The cluster you have created using the Streaming Analytics cluster definition is kerberized and secured with SSL. Users can access cluster UIs and endpoints through a secure gateway powered by Apache Knox. Before you can use Flink and SQL Stream Builder, you must provide users access to the Streaming Analytics cluster components.

  1. Assign the EnvironmentUser role to the users to grant access to the CDP environment and the Streaming Analytics cluster.
  2. Add the user to the appropriate predefined Ranger policies.
  3. Create IDBroker mapping.

    You must create IDBroker mapping for a user or group to have access to the S3 cloud storage. As a part of Knox, the IDBroker allows a user to exchange cluster authentication for temporary cloud credentials.

    The following roles are created when registering the CDP environment:
    • idbroker-role: granting permissions to IDBroker istances associated wit the CDP environemtn
    • datalake-admin-role: granting access to CDP cloud rescources
    • logs-role: granting access to the logs storage location
    For using Streaming Analytics in CDP Public Cloud, you must map the users using Flink to the the datalake-admin-role as it grants access to the cloud resources required to run the Flink service. You can configure the IDBroker mappings for Flink users with the following steps:
    1. Navigate to Management Console > Environments, and select the environment where you have created your cluster.
    2. Click on Actions > Manage Access.
    3. Select IDBroker Mappings tab.
    4. Click Edit in the Current Mappings pane.
    5. Make sure that the users who run Flink jobs are associated with the ARN of the datalake-admin-role.
      If you need to add more users or groups:
      1. Add a new row using the plus icon.
      2. Search and select the user or group.
      3. Click Save and Sync.

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