Customizing Visuals
Customizing settings
General settings
Enabling animations
Enabling Drill Into data discovery
Basic visual settings
Bucket count
Normalized histograms
Cumulative option
Downloads settings
Enabling CSV download
Enabling quotation marks in CSV download
Enabling Excel download in visuals
Setting the locale for CSV downloads
Axes for visuals
Changing axis scale
Changing axes scale for radial graphs
Enabling gridlines
Enabling continuous axis for date/time values
Change padding on X axis
Change padding on Y axis
Starting aggregate scale at zero
Changing min/max of aggregate scale
Showing or hiding axis labels
Change dimension text size
Showing or hiding axis
Reversing axis scale
Dynamically sizing graph
Setting maximum row label length
Setting column label length
Enabling continuous X axis
Changing scale of continuous X axis
Enabling continuous Y axis
Changing scale of continuous Y axis
Enabling continuous axis on dimensions
Changing scale of continuous axis on dimensions
Data for visuals
Disabling incremental queries
Displaying NULL rows
Ordering NULL rows
Changing maximum number of rows to fetch
Changing number of rows to download
Enabling URL links
Specifying qualitative range as percentages
Changing link color
Changing link opacity
Changing link width range
Changing link distance
Changing link strength
Adding arrow direction to links
Changing direction arrow size
Adding link legend
Changing links legend name
Map options
Selecting map view
Displaying tooltips
Minimum value in tooltips
Maximum value in tooltips
First value in tooltips
Last value in tooltips
Showing detail data button in context menu
Showing context menu
Showing table data as HTML
Showing adjacent duplicate values
Showing expansion totals above expansion rows
Displaying title for subtotal rows
Adding and removing legend
Changing legend item width
Changing legend width
Reversing legend order
Displaying a linear trendline
Separating trendlines by color
Changing trendline number of decimals
Showing a selection brush for ranges
Changing bar size range
Showing measure values inside bars
Showing dimension values on hovering
Showing points
Ignoring missing date values
Changing line shape
Changing line style
Changing highlight type
Converting line to area visual
Changing highlight of radius
Changing mark size range
Changing transition delay
Showing autoplay transition animation
Showing dimensions as marks
Showing percentages as marks
Changing number of decimals
Changing display to overlap
Showing the same source and destination values
Changing size of chord visual
Displaying bubbles on maps
Changing layout gravity
Changing layout theta
Showing node labels
Tokenizing input
Displaying gauge needle
Displaying gauge line on qualitative arc
Displaying axis ticks
Changing outer width
Changing qualitative thickness
Changing arc gap
Changing arc thickness
Changing label font size
Changing label offset
Changing sublabel font size
Changing sublabel offset
Making box plots horizontal
Changing outline width
Changing font size of main indicator
Changing value of main indicator
Using same color for main indicator as arrow
Displaying first measure as main indicator
Changing compare indicator value
Changing compare indicator position
Changing arrow type
Flipping compare indicator
Changing label indicator position
Changing label indicator font size
Ignoring negative values
Changing approximate tick count
Orienting bars vertically
Removing default label
Staying at same map location
Setting minimum cell size
Remembering node positions
Showing same source and target values
Changing source node mark
Changing target node mark
Changing combined node mark
Changing node size range
Changing node friction
Changing node charge
Changing node opacity
Showing node labels
Adding nodes legend
Changing nodes legend name
Using parameters with explicit scope
Sending parameters with dataset scope
Sending aggregates as parameters
Map server
Customizing map server
Specifying mapbox key for visual
Specifying atlas mapbox server for visual
Map style
Changing map style of visual
Adding custom mapbox style
Specifying choropleth layer ID
Specifying choropleth opacity
Displaying legend in choropleth map
Remembering location of map
Displaying heatmap
Changing heatmap radius
Changing intensity magnification
Showing heatmap legend
Changing visible zoom levels in heatmap
Displaying cluster
Changing cluster color
Changing cluster radius
Displaying circles
Displaying color legend
Displaying area legend
Changing circle radius range
Changing visible zoom levels in circles
Routes and pins
Enabling routes
Enabling pins
Selecting pin types
Selecting start pin type
Selecting middle pin type
Selecting end pin type
Specifying a custom icon
Changing custom icon size
Showing percentage
Specifying label for percentage
Changing number of decimals for percentage
Changing tooltip font size
Changing tooltip font family
Displaying trellis borders
Enabling independent axis scale
Setting minimum trellis cell width
Setting minimum trellis cell height
Enabling pan and zoom
Enabling zoom to active areas
Customizing visual style
Visual basics
Changing font family
Changing font size
Changing background color
Table styles
Changing table templates
Changing table header alignment
Adjusting table width
Wrapping column contents
Showing column totals
Showing header for column totals
Showing column page totals
Showing header for column page totals
Showing row totals
Specifying totals column font weight
Specifying maximum number of columns
Showing row information
Showing pagination
Specifying number of rows per page
Showing header column
Showing header column borders
Adjusting table column width
Table colors
Changing table header background color
Changing table header text color
Changing table odd rows background color
Changing table even rows background color
Changing table odd rows text color
Changing table even rows text color
Changing table border color
Changing totals row background color
Changing totals row text color
Visual titles
Changing font family in the title of a visual
Changing font size in the title of a visual
Changing font weight in the title of a visual
Changing text alignment in the title of a visual
Hiding the title of a visual
Visual subtitles
Changing font family in the subtitle of a visual
Changing font size in the subtitle of a visual
Changing text alignment in the subtitle of a visual
Visual axes and labels
Axis label font size in a visual
Ticks font size in a visual
Label font size in a visual
Label text color in a visual
Trellis font size in a visual
Legend font size in a visual
Changing tooltip font family
Changing tooltip font size
Aggregate row styles
Changing font style in the aggregate row of a visual
Changing font weight in the aggregate row of a visual
Customizing visual colors
Reverse color palette of visuals
Visual color palette
Colors option
Foreground color
Pointer color
Background color
Arrow color
Color opacity on visuals
Link color
Drop off color
Highlight color
Projection opacity
Background opacity
Consistent colors on dimension values
Colors for specified values
Colors for KPI visuals
Adding custom styles to visuals
Adding CSS classes to visuals
Adding included styles to visuals
Searching custom styles in visuals
Sorting custom styles in visuals
Adding inline CSS code to visuals