Downloading your chargeback costs

You can save the CPU, memory, and resource usage costs displayed in the Chargeback or Uncategorized pages of the Cloudera Observability UI as a spreadsheet report on your system, which can be used at a later time for further analysis using other tools or for printing and sharing with others. Learn how to download reports for both assigned and unassigned resource costs in Cloudera Observability.

Steps on how to locate and download a report for assigned and unassigned resource costs.

  1. Verify that you are logged in to the Cloudera Observability web UI.
    1. In a supported browser, log into the Cloudera.
      The Cloudera Cloud web interface landing page opens.
    2. From the Your Enterprise Data Cloud landing page, select the Observability tile.
      The Cloudera Observability landing page opens.
  2. From the Cloudera Observability Main navigation panel, select Financial Governance.
    The Cloudera Observability Chargeback page opens.
  3. To download a report of your assigned chargeback costs, do the following:
    1. From the time-range list, select a time-period that meets your requirements.
    2. From the Actions list, click Download Report.
      A Download Report message appears stating that the report is generating.

      When completed, your assigned chargeback costs for the time-period selected are downloaded as a Microsoft Excel file to your Downloads folder.

  4. To download a report of your unassigned chargeback costs, do the following:
    1. From the time-range list, select a time-period that meets your requirements.
    2. Scroll down and select Uncategorized.
      The Uncategorized page opens.
    3. From its topmost menu bar, click Download Report.
      A Download Report message appears stating that the report is generating.

      When completed, your unassigned chargeback costs for the time-period selected are downloaded as a Microsoft Excel file to your Downloads folder.