Managing your auto actions

Describes how to update, delete, duplicate, and disable an auto action event.

The following Auto Actions management tasks are performed in the Management page, which is accessed by selecting the Auto Actions tab in the Cluster Summary page and then selecting the Management tab.

Updating your auto action

In the Management page, click the action’s vertical ellipsis, as shown in the following image, and select Edit. Make your changes and then click Update.

Deleting an auto action

In the Management page, click the action's vertical ellipsis, and select Delete. In the confirmation message, click OK to confirm. The action is permanently removed.

Duplicating an auto action

In the Management page, click the action's vertical ellipsis, and select Clone. Replace the existing name with a new unique name for the cloned auto action, make any other changes, and then click Create. A new auto action is created and is displayed on the Management page.

Disabling an auto action

In the Management page, click the action's vertical ellipsis, and select Disable. In the confirmation message, click OK to confirm. The action is no longer active and the Disabled state is displayed in the action’s Status column on the Management page.