Fixed Issues In Cloudera Runtime
You can review the list of reported issues and their fixes in Cloudera Runtime
The following issues are resolved:
- HOTREQ-1245 - Ranger RAZ - Azure parent directory delete issue
- HOTREQ-1241 - Patch for SPARK-32380 (Spark 3) - sparksql cannot access hive table while data in HBase
- HOTREQ-1244 - HOTFIX Request for CDPD-46957 - Hue - Export feature not available from search bar in CDP
- HOTREQ-1222 - ABFS: Disable readAhead for 7.2.12 onwards PCR versions
- HOTREQ-1201 - HADOOP-18476 Abfs and S3A FileContext bindings to close wrapped filesystems in finalizer
- HOTREQ-1264 - HotFix for CDPD-39592 & CDPD-29225
- CDPD-39592 - Due to the changes made in azure via PR-2396, not able to access Azure FB.
- CDPD-29225 - Hue does not work with medium duty DL because IDBroker config has comma separated URLs
- HOTREQ-1275 - Hotfix for - IMPALA-11751 - Crash in processing partition columns of Avro table with MT_DOP>1
- HOTREQ-1274 - HOTFIX REQ for issue HUE with KNOX unable to open workflow links in new tab with right click
The following issues are resolved:
- HOTREQ-1223 - CFM - HTTP proxy password disappears every time cluster is restarted
- HOTREQ-1253 - Ranger-NiFi repo connectivity gets 403 error
- HOTREQ-1252 - Nifi nodes corruptions - Trying to start the Data hub cluster the underline NIFI service not starting properly.
- HOTREQ-1251 - Improve the memory management of stateless flow
Cloudera Manager
The following issues are resolved:
- HOTREQ-1258 - Request for include OPSAPS-64187 and OPSAPS-65242
- OPSAPS-64187 - Cloudera Manager Event server does not clean up old events
- OPSAPS-65242 - Alert Server event cleanup has further problems
- Upgrade Apache Commons Text to 1.10.0 due to CVE-2022-42889
Known Issue: CDPD-43048
SecureBulkLoad feature does not work on public cloud when using S3 with HBOSS and Raz.
Workaround: After, the next ODX version will be released. This enables SFT and disable HBOSS on CDPD This will fix SecureBulkload.
Technical Service Bulletins
- TSB 2022-614: Kafka policy "user auto-creation" does not work in Ranger in CDP Public Cloud 7.2.15
- For the latest update on this issue see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2022-614: Kafka policy "user auto-creation" does not work in Ranger in CDP Public Cloud 7.2.15
- TSB 2023-644: Microsoft Azure parent directory deletion
- For the latest update on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge Base article: TSB 2023-644: Microsoft Azure parent directory deletion.