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Using the Hive shell

Using Hive, you can create an Iceberg table followed by using the CTAS command to alter or copy the existing Hive table and its properties into the Iceberg table.

In this case, you create an external table and alter an existing Hive table to Iceberg table using the Hive engine.

Run the following command in your Hive shell to create an Iceberg table.

  1. create external table if not exists hive_ice_1 (CountryID int, CountryName string, Capital string, Population string) STORED BY ICEBERG STORED AS PARQUET;
  2. Navigate accordingly in the Atlas UI to view the changes.
    The following images provide information about Iceberg table creation process.

    Run the following commands in your Hive shell to copy the contents of one table (hive_ice_3) to another newly created table (hive_ice_4).

  3. create external table if not exists hive_ice_3 (CountryID int, CountryName string, Capital string, Population string) STORED BY ICEBERG STORED AS PARQUET;
  4. create external table if not exists hive_ice_4 STORED BY ICEBERG STORED AS PARQUET as select * from hive_ice_3;
    The following images provide information about copying contents from one table to another.

    You can alter an existing Hive table to Iceberg table.

  5. create external table if not exists hive_ice_5 (CountryID int, CountryName string, Capital string, Population string)STORED AS PARQUET;
  6. ALTER TABLE  hive_ice_5 SET TBLPROPERTIES ('storage_handler'='');
    The following images provide information about alter tables operations.