Fixed Issues in Apache Kafka

Review the list of Apache Kafka issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.2.17.

CDPD-29307: Kafka producer entity stays in incomplete state in Atlas
The Kafka-Atlas plugin now fully creates producer and consumer entities and does not generate incomplete ones.
CDPD-48822: AvroConverter ignores default values when converting from Avro to Connect schema
The AvroConverter now propagates field default values to Connect schemas.
OPSAPS-65485: Selecting the Require Connectors To Override Kafka Client JAAS Configuration property causes automatic Kafka Connect startup retries to fail
Kafka Connect does not fail on start retries when the Require Connectors To Override Kafka Client JAAS Configuration property is selected.
CDPD-53179: Amazon S3 Sink connector fails when buffer size is reached
The Amazon S3 Sink connector no longer fails when there is more than 5 MB (buffer size) of data available in a Kafka source topic and the connector receives more than 5 MB of data in a single poll.

Apache patch information

  • KAFKA-14838: Add flow/connector/task/role information to MM2 Kafka configs