Fixed Issues in Apache Livy

Review the list of Apache Livy issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.2.17.

CDPD-49189: Ordering and pagination support in livy GET /statement request
Fixed the code by adding the missing API documentation and the code logic to display session statements as latest-first based on the query parameter.
CDPD-48733: Merge Apache Livy 0.7.2 into CDP DataHub 7.2.17
Livy and Livy for Spark 3 have been updated to upstream version 0.7.2. LDAP is not supported.
CDPD-48118: Provide ttl field for a livy session
Added the support to provide TTL (time to leave) field for Livy session API.
CDPD-47766: Return session information with livy sessions APIs
Enhanced the Livy session APIs to return new fields.

Apache Patch Information

  • LIVY-968
  • LIVY-967
  • LIVY-970