EditorsPDF version

Configure a Browser IDE at the Project Level

Perform the following steps to configure an editor at the project level.

Perform the following steps to configure an editor at the project level:

  1. (Recommended) Test a Browser IDE in a Session Before Installation.
  2. Install the IDE of your choice to the project. For information about how to install additional packages to a project, see AWS Account Requirements.
  3. Open the Cloudera Data Science Workbench web UI.
  4. Go to the project you want to configure an editor for.
  5. Go to Settings > Editors and click New Editor.
  6. Complete the fields:
    • Name: Provide a name for the editor. This is the name that appears in the dropdown menu for Editors when you start a new session.
    • Command: Enter the command to start the server for the editor on the Cloudera Data Science Workbench public port specified in the CDSW_APP_PORT environment variable (default 8081).

      For example, the following command starts Jupyter Lab on the port specified by the CDSW_APP_PORT environment variable:

      /home/cdsw/.local/bin/jupyter-lab --no-browser --ip= --port=${CDSW_APP_PORT} --NotebookApp.token= --NotebookApp.allow_remote_access=True --log-level=ERROR
      This is the same command you used to start the IDE to test it in a session.
  7. Save the changes.
    When a user starts a new session, the editor you added is available in the list of editors. Browsers must be configured to accept cookies and allow pop-up windows from the Cloudera Data Science Workbench web UI.