What's New

Major features and updates plus fixed issues for Cloudera Data Science Workbench 1.10.5.

CDSW 1.10.5 is a Python 3 based release specifically designed for compatibility with Python 3 CM and CDP. Traditionally on-prem CDSW has been python 2 dependent. CDSW 1.10.4 and prior versions would not work with CM or CDP which are Python 3 based. This release addresses the need to provide a solution for Python 3 based CDSW.

Target Customers

This release is intended for the following types of customers:

  1. Customers who are looking to upgrade to a Python 3 based CM/CDP.
  2. Customers who are using other Data Services and experiences and looking to upgrade to 1.5.2 PvC DS. PvC 1.5.2 is required to use 7.11.3 CM which is Python 3 based. So if the customers are on CDSW 1.10.4 or earlier, CDSW will not start after the CM upgrade. Such customers will need to upgrade their CDSW to 1.10.5.
  3. Customers who are looking to migrate from CDSW 1.10.4 or prior versions to CML 1.5.2. CML PvC 1.5.2 is dependent on 7.11.3 CM which is Python 3 based. Once they upgrade the CM to 7.11.3, CDSW will not start and they will not be able to proceed with CDSW to CML Migration.

New features and improvements

This release introduced the following improvements.

  • Python 3 based CDSW - Works only with Python 3 CM/CDP version.
  • ML Runtime 2023.08.2.

Fixed issues

This release fixed the following issues.

  • Set default editor to Nano in workloads

    Cloudera Bug: DSE-28998

  • Fixed broken RPM Installation

    Cloudera Bug: DSE-30603

  • CDSW Pods stuck in scheduling state after CDSW restart

    Cloudera Bug: DSE-31487

  • Vulnerability issue for prometheus folder.

    Cloudera Bug: DSE-32008

  • Model creation failure in airgap proxy environment.

    Cloudera Bug: DSE-31851

  • Setuptools 60.0.0 or higher versions are not working out of the box, affecting custom runtimes and Python 3.10 variant

    Cloudera Bug: DSE-28828

CDSW Upgrade to 1.10.5

Supported Upgrade Paths:
  • CDSW 1.9 minor versions and CDSW 1.10 minor versions up to 1.10.4 can be upgraded to CDSW 1.10.5. This should only be done if the customer is one of the intended customer types (above), else the customer should not upgrade to 1.10.5 as this will require a Cloudera Manager (CM) upgrade as well.
Steps to upgrade:
  1. Upgrade CM to Python 3 based CM, such as 7.11.3/7.7.3.
  2. Upgrade CDSW to 1.10.5.
  3. Upgrade CDH to a version compatible with the selected CM.

For more information, see the Cloudera Manager and CDH compatibility matrix.

For a list of supported CDSW versions, see Support Lifecycle Policy

CDSW to CML Migration

CML PvC 1.5.2 requires 7.11.3 CM which is Python 3 based. If customers need parallel working instances of CDSW and CML, they can upgrade to CDSW 1.10.5 before migrating to CML 1.5.2

Supported Migration Paths

Source CDSW Version

Target CML PvC Version


1.10.0 to 1.10.4

1.5.1/1.5.1 CHF


1.10.0 to 1.10.4




