ML Runtimes Release NotesPDF version

ML Runtimes Version 2023.05.1

Major features and updates for ML Runtimes.

This release is available with ML Runtimes version 2023.05.1.

New features

  • This release of ML Runtimes includes the following features that improve support for Large Language (LLMs) within CML:
    • Git Large File Storage (LFS) support is now included in all ML Runtimes images. Users can now easily download Large Language models via Git.

      LFS replaces large files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a remote server like or GitHub Enterprise.

    • Upgraded CUDA to version 11.8.0 in JupyterLab Python CUDA runtimes. This change allows customers to use the latest pytorch version in CML. Affected Python versions are 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10.
    • wget is now installed on all ML Runtimes. This enables users another way to download large language models in CML in addition to git-lfs.
  • This release introduces a new Technical Preview Runtime, adding support for Anaconda, based on the JupyterLab editor. Conda environments can be created, modified, and activated from the Terminal without any limitations. For more information, see Using Conda Runtimes.
  • New Python 3.10 Runtimes are available.
  • Added the following extensions to our JupyterLab Runtimes (Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10): Language Server Protocol (jupyterlab-lsp) and git (jupyterlab-git). Language Server Protocol integration provides coding assistance for JupyterLab (code navigation, hover suggestions, linters, autocompletion, rename).
  • Added the git (jupyterlab-git) extension to our JupyterLab Runtimes (Python 3.7).
  • Implya client is now updated to version 0.18.0 which has support for authentication via JWT token.

Version 2023.05.1

Fixed Issues

  • DSE-26724 wget is now installed on all ML Runtimes. This enables users to download large language models in CML two ways: via Gi and via wget.
  • DSE-25078 The OS package cmake is now installed for all ML Runtime images. This change enables users to install packages like nloptr.
  • DSE-23762 Updated installed R package versions to make sparklyr R package usable in the same session as it was installed in.
  • DSE-23751 Upgraded Jupyter to version 3.6.0 in all JupyterLab Runtimes.
  • DSE-23613 Upgraded CUDA to version 11.8.0 in JupyterLab Python CUDA runtimes. This change was needed to allow customers to use the latest pytorch version in CML. Affected Python versions are 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10.
  • DSE-22425 Added OS packages to R Runtimes to support recent versions of the "devtools" package.
  • DSE-20234 Jupyter session-specific data is no longer persisted in the Project directory. This prevents errors when starting multiple Jupyter sessions.