ML Runtimes Pre-installed PackagesPDF version

R 4.3 Libraries

This section lists the R 4.3 libraries that ship with ML Runtimes 2023.08.2.

Table 1. R 4.1.3 Libraries for Workbench
Library Version
askpass 1.1
base 4.3.1
bitops 1.0-7
boot 1.3-28.1
brew 1.0-8
Cairo 1.2-0
caTools 1.18.2
cdsw 2.1
class 7.3-22
cli 3.6.1
cluster 2.1.4
codetools 0.2-19
colorspace 2.1-0
compiler 4.3.1
curl 5.0.0
datasets 4.3.1
fansi 1.0.4
farver 2.1.1
foreign 0.8-84
ggplot2 3.4.2
glue 1.6.2
graphics 4.3.1
grDevices 4.3.1
grid 4.3.1
gtable 0.3.3
httr 1.4.6
isoband 0.2.7
jsonlite 1.8.4
KernSmooth 2.23-21
labeling 0.4.2
lattice 0.21-8
lifecycle 1.0.3
magrittr 2.0.3
MASS 7.3-60
Matrix 1.5-4.1
methods 4.3.1
mgcv 1.8-42
mime 0.12
munsell 0.5.0
nlme 3.1-162
nnet 7.3-19
openssl 2.0.6
parallel 4.3.1
pillar 1.9.0
pkgconfig 2.0.3
png 0.1-8
R6 2.5.1
RColorBrewer 1.1-3
RJSONIO 1.3-1.8
rlang 1.1.1
Rook 1.2
rpart 4.1.19
Rserve 1.7-0
scales 1.2.1
spatial 7.3-16
splines 4.3.1
stats 4.3.1
stats4 4.3.1
survival 3.5-5
sys 3.4.1
tcltk 4.3.1
tibble 3.2.1
tools 4.3.1
utf8 1.2.3
utils 4.3.1
vctrs 0.6.2
viridisLite 0.4.2
withr 2.5.0