Release NotesPDF version

New Features and Changes in Cloudera Data Science Workbench 1.6.1

Major features and updates for Cloudera Data Science Workbench.

  • SAML Identity Provider Logout: With version 1.6.1, a user clicking the Sign Out button on CDSW can also be logged out of their identity provider.

    For instructions on how to configure this, see SAML Identity Provider Configuration.

  • Root CA configuration: Added a new field called Root CA configuration to the Admin > Security page. Organizations that use an internal custom Certificate Authority can use this field to paste in the contents of their internal CA's root certificate file.

    For instructions, see Configuring Custom Root CA Certificate.

IPv6 Requirement
Cloudera Data Science Workbench 1.6.x requires you to enable IPv6 on all CDSW gateway hosts.
Resource Usage captured in User Events
You can now query the user events table for resources used by each session, job, experiment, and model.
Editors (Windows only)
For the Windows cdswctl client, CDSW now automatically adds the .exe extension to the file-name. The format of the downloaded file has also changed from tar.gz to zip.
Kubernetes has been upgraded to version 1.13.9.