Extracting S3 Metadata using AtlasPDF version

S3 entity audit entries

The number of Atlas audits for S3 entities may vary based on whether or not you are using incremental extraction to collect metadata from S3. For example, if you run bulk extraction against a bucket, then objects in the bucket are updated twice before bulk extraction runs again, Atlas will show the creation audit event followed by a single update audit event. If instead you run bulk extraction against a bucket, then trigger incremental extraction, the Atlas audit will show the creation audit event followed by an update audit event for the first update and an update audit event for the second update.

S3 Evemt Bult Extraction Incremental Extraction
  • creation

Yes Yes
  • update

Yes (Bulk extraction updates entities only if the current bucket metadata differs from the metadata collected in the previous extractor run; interim changes are not captured.) Yes
  • delete (No S3 event is produced to indicate that a bucket has been deleted.)

No No
Object (directory)
  • creation

Yes Yes
  • upload

Yes Yes
  • update

Yes (Bulk extraction updates entities only if the current object metadata differs from the metadata collected in the previous extractor run; interim changes are not captured.) Yes
  • delete

No Yes✔
Object (file)
  • creation

Yes Yes
  • upload (When you upload a "folder" to S3, the objects in the folder are prefixed with the folder name.)

Yes Yes
  • update

Yes (Bulk extraction updates entities only if the current object metadata differs from the metadata collected in the previous extractor run; interim changes are not captured.) Yes
  • delete

No Yes✔

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