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Create the S3Guard Table in DynamoDB

Unless the property fs.s3a.bucket.test.s3guard.ddb.table.create is set to enable the table to be automatically created, the table must be created on the command line using the hadoop s3guard init command.

hadoop s3guard init s3a://guarded-table/

2018-05-31 15:25:59,070 [main] INFO  s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore ( -
            Creating non-existent DynamoDB table guarded-table in region eu-west-1
2018-05-31 15:26:11,759 [main] INFO  s3guard.S3GuardTool ( -
            Metadata store DynamoDBMetadataStore{region=eu-west-1, tableName=guarded-table} is initialized.
Metadata Store Diagnostics:
description=S3Guard metadata store in DynamoDB
retryPolicy=ExponentialBackoffRetry(maxRetries=9, sleepTime=100 MILLISECONDS)
table={AttributeDefinitions: [{AttributeName: child,AttributeType: S}, {AttributeName: parent,AttributeType: S}],
    TableName: guarded-table,
    KeySchema: [{AttributeName: parent,KeyType: HASH}, {AttributeName: child,KeyType: RANGE}],
    TableStatus: ACTIVE,
    CreationDateTime: Thu May 31 15:25:59 BST 2018,
    ProvisionedThroughput: {NumberOfDecreasesToday: 0,ReadCapacityUnits: 500,WriteCapacityUnits: 100},
    TableSizeBytes: 0,
    ItemCount: 0,
    TableArn: arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:980678866538:table/guarded-table,
    TableId: fb50922a-90bf-4df2-a3c3-9f4aa6914d56,}

Once created, the table may be used immediately.

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