Managing Apache HBasePDF version

Use cluster replication

If your data is already in an HBase cluster, replication is useful for getting the data into additional HBase clusters.

In HBase, cluster replication refers to keeping one cluster state synchronized with that of another cluster, using the write-ahead log (WAL) of the source cluster to propagate the changes. Replication is enabled at column family granularity. Before enabling replication for a column family, create the table and all column families to be replicated, on the destination cluster.

Cluster replication uses an active-push methodology. An HBase cluster can be a source (also called active, meaning that it writes new data), a destination (also called passive, meaning that it receives data using replication), or can fulfill both roles at once. Replication is asynchronous, and the goal of replication is consistency.

When data is replicated from one cluster to another, the original source of the data is tracked with a cluster ID, which is part of the metadata. All clusters that have already consumed the data are also tracked. This prevents replication loops.

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