Using Apache Impala with Apache KuduPDF version

Optimize performance for evaluating SQL predicates

If the WHERE clause of your query includes comparisons with the operators =, <=, <, >, >=, BETWEEN, or IN, Kudu evaluates the condition directly and only returns the relevant results. This provides optimum performance, because Kudu only returns the relevant results to Impala.

For predicates such as !=, LIKE, or any other predicate type supported by Impala, Kudu does not evaluate the predicates directly. Instead, it returns all results to Impala and relies on Impala to evaluate the remaining predicates and filter the results accordingly. This may cause differences in performance, depending on the delta of the result set before and after evaluating the WHERE clause. In some cases, creating and periodically updating materialized views may be the right solution to work around these inefficiencies.

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