Cloudera Search OverviewPDF version

How Cloudera Search works

Learn about the operation of Cloudera Search

In near real-time indexing use cases, such as log or event stream analytics, Cloudera Search indexes events that are streamed through Apache Kafka, Spark Streaming, or HBase. Fields and events are mapped to standard Solr indexable schemas. Lucene indexes the incoming events and the index is written and stored in standard Lucene index files in HDFS.

The indexes by default are loaded from HDFS to Solr cores, but Solr is also able to read from local disk. The difference in the design of Cloudera Search is the robust, distributed, and scalable storage layer of HDFS, which helps eliminate costly downtime and allows for flexibility across workloads without having to move data. Search queries can then be submitted to Solr through either the standard Solr API, or through a simple search GUI application, included in Cloudera Search, which can be deployed in Hue.

Cloudera Search batch-oriented indexing capabilities can address needs for searching across batch uploaded files or large data sets that are less frequently updated and less in need of near-real-time indexing. It can also be conveniently used for re-indexing (a common pain point in stand-alone Solr) or ad-hoc indexing for on-demand data exploration. Often, batch indexing is done on a regular basis (hourly, daily, weekly, and so on) as part of a larger workflow.

For such cases, Cloudera Search includes a highly scalable indexing workflow based on MapReduce or Spark. A MapReduce or Spark workflow is launched for specified files or folders in HDFS, or tables in HBase, and the field extraction and Solr schema mapping occurs during the mapping phase. Reducers use embedded Lucene to write the data as a single index or as index shards, depending on your configuration and preferences. After the indexes are stored, they can be queried by using standard Solr mechanisms, as previously described above for the near-real-time indexing use case. You can also configure these batch indexing options to post newly indexed data directly into live, active indexes, served by Solr. This GoLive option enables a streamlined data pipeline without interrupting service to process regularly incoming batch updates.

The Lily HBase Indexer Service is a flexible, scalable, fault tolerant, transactional, near real-time oriented system for processing a continuous stream of HBase cell updates into live search indexes. The Lily HBase Indexer uses Solr to index data stored in HBase. As HBase applies inserts, updates, and deletes to HBase table cells, the indexer keeps Solr consistent with the HBase table contents, using standard HBase replication features. The indexer supports flexible custom application-specific rules to extract, transform, and load HBase data into Solr. Solr search results can contain columnFamily:qualifier links back to the data stored in HBase. This way applications can use the Search result set to directly access matching raw HBase cells. Indexing and searching do not affect operational stability or write throughput of HBase because the indexing and searching processes are separate and asynchronous to HBase.

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