Managing Apache HBasePDF version

Move HBase Master Role to another host

You can move the HBase Master Role from one host to another using Cloudera Manager.

  1. In Cloudera Manager, select the HBase service.
  2. Click the Instances tab.
  3. Click Add Role Instances and add role instances to HBase.
  4. Choose the new host under Master.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Start the newly added HBase Master role.
    The state of the role becomes Started.
  7. Wait until the type of the newly added HBase Master role bacomes Master (Backup).
  8. Stop any other non-active HBase Master role instances.
    This step does not impact HBase. It is required to ensure that the newly created HBase Master role backup will be chosen to be the new active HBase Master role.
  9. Stop the remaining active HBase Master role.
    The type of the newly added HBase Master role automatically bacomes Master (Active).
  10. Delete the old HBase Master role instances on hosts that are not wanted.

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