Troubleshooting Cloudera SearchPDF version

Cloudera Search configuration files

Cloudera Search configuration is primarily controlled by several configuration files, that are mostly stored in Apache ZooKeeper.

Table 1. Cloudera Search configuration files
Configuration File Description

This file is stored in ZooKeeper, and controls global properties for Apache Solr. To edit this file, you must download it from ZooKeeper, make your changes, and then upload the modified file back to ZooKeeper using the solrctl cluster command. For information about the solr.xml file, see Solr Configuration Files and Solr Cores and solr.xml in the Solr documentation.


Each collection in Solr uses a solrconfig.xml file, stored in ZooKeeper, to control collection behavior. For information about the solrconfig.xml file, see Solr Configuration Files and Configuring solrconfig.xml in the Solr documentation.

managed-schema or schema.xml

Cloudera recommends using a managed schema, and making schema changes using the Schema API (Apache Solr documentation). Collections use either a managed schema or the legacy schema.xml file. These files, also stored in ZooKeeper and assigned to a collection, define the schema for the documents you are indexing. For example, they specify which fields to index, the expected data type for each field, the default field to query when the field is unspecified, and so on. For information about managed-schema and schema.xml, see Schema Factory Definition in SolrConfig in the Solr documentation.

Unlike other configuration files, this file is stored in the local filesystem rather than ZooKeeper, and is used for core discovery. For more information on this process and the structure of the file, see Defining in the Solr documentation.

Additional files Any additional files referenced in the xml files, for example, custom JAR files.

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