Managing and Allocating Cluster Resources using Capacity SchedulerPDF version

Convert a queue to a Managed Parent Queue

In absolute and relative modes, you have to create Managed Parent Queues to enable dynamic queue creation. You can do that through the YARN Queue Manager UI.

Note that the queue properties that is set at the Managed Parent Queue level is applied to all of its leaf queues.
  1. In Cloudera Manager, select the YARN Queue Manager UI.
    A graphical queue hierarchy is displayed in the Overview tab.
  2. Find the queue for which you want to enable the auto dynamic child creation feature.
  3. Select the More Options menu and select Enable Auto Dynamic Child Creation.
  4. Set minimum and maximum capacity for the queue.
  5. Click Save.
To define a placement rule that could lead to dynamically created child queues, ensure that during placement rule creation you select the Create the target queue if it does not exist? option and provide a Managed Parent Queue as the parent queue. For more information, see Manage placement rules.

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