Using Apache HBase Backup and Disaster RecoveryPDF version

Configure secure replication

Secure replication configuration is the same whether your clusters are all in the same realm or not, with the exception of the last step.

The last step involves setting up custom secure replication configurations per peer. This can be convenient when you need to replicate to a cluster that uses different cross-realm authentication rules than the source cluster. For example, a cluster in Realm A may be allowed to replicate to Realm B and Realm C, but Realm B may not be allowed to replicate to Realm C. If you do not need this feature, skip the last step.

To use this feature, service-level principals and keytabs (specific to HBase) must be specified when you create the cluster peers using HBase Shell.

  1. Set up Kerberos on your cluster.
  2. If necessary, configure Kerberos cross-realm authentication:
    1. At the comman line, use the list_principals command to list the kdc, admin_server, and default_domain for each realm.
    2. Add this information to each cluster using Cloudera Manager:
      1. In Cloudera Manager, select the HDFS service.
      2. Click the Configuration tab.
      3. Find the Truster Kerberos Realms property.
      4. Add the target and source.
      5. Restart HDFS.
  3. Configure ZooKeeper.
  4. Configure the following HDFS parameters on both cluster:
    <!-- In hdfs-site.xml or advanced configuration snippet -->
    <!-- In core-site.xml or advanced configuration snippet -->

    If you use Cloudera Manager to manage your cluster, do not set these properties directly in configuration files, because Cloudera Manager will overwrite or ignore these settings. You must set these properties in Cloudera Manager.

    For brevity, the Cloudera Manager setting names are not listed here, but you can search by property name. For instance, in the HDFS service configuration screen, search for The Enable Data Transfer Encryption setting is shown. Selecting the box is equivalent to setting the value to true.

  5. Configure the following HBase parameters on both clusters, using Cloudera Manager or in hbase-site.xml if you do not use Cloudera Managert.
    <!-- In hbase-site.xml -->
  6. Add the cluster peers using the simplified add_peer syntax:
    add_peer 'ID', 'CLUSTER_KEY'
  7. If you need to add any peers which require custom security configuration, modify the add_peer syntax, using the following examples as a model.
    add_peer 'vegas', CLUSTER_KEY => '',
             CONFIG => {'hbase.master.kerberos.principal'           => 'hbase/_HOST@TO_VEGAS',
                        'hbase.regionserver.kerberos.principal'     => 'hbase/_HOST@TO_VEGAS',
                        'hbase.regionserver.keytab.file'            => '/keytabs/vegas_hbase.keytab',
                        'hbase.master.keytab.file'                  => '/keytabs/vegas_hbase.keytab'},
              TABLE_CFS => {"tbl" => [cf1']}
    add_peer 'atlanta', CLUSTER_KEY => '',
             CONFIG => {'hbase.master.kerberos.principal'           => 'hbase/_HOST@TO_ATLANTA',
                        'hbase.regionserver.kerberos.principal'     => 'hbase/_HOST@TO_ATLANTA',
                        'hbase.regionserver.keytab.file'            => '/keytabs/atlanta_hbase.keytab',
                        'hbase.master.keytab.file'                  => '/keytabs/atlanta_hbase.keytab'},
              TABLE_CFS => {"tbl" => [cf2']}

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