Managing Apache ZooKeeperPDF version

Replace a ZooKeeper role with ZooKeeper service downtime

You can replace a ZooKeeper role with ZooKeeper service downtime.

  1. In Cloudera Manager, select the ZooKeeper service.
  2. Click the Instances tab.
  3. Select the ZooKeeper role on the old host.
  4. Click the Actions for Selected button.
  5. Select Stop.
  6. Click the Actions for Selected button.
  7. Select Delete.
  8. Click the Add Role Instances button.
  9. Select the new host.
  10. Click Continue.
  11. Confirm the changes.
  12. Click Continue.
  13. Restart the old ZooKeeper servers that have outdated configuration.
  14. Select the ZooKeeper service.
  15. Click the Status tab.
  16. Confirm the ZooKeeper service elected one of the restarted hosts as a leader.
  17. Restart the newly added ZooKeeper server.
  18. Restart any dependent services, such as HBase, HDFS, YARN or Hive, that are marked to have stale configuration.

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