Accessing Cloud DataPDF version

Configuring Access to S3

IDBroker is a REST API built as part of Apache Knox’s authentication services. It allows an authenticated user to exchange a set of credentials or a token for cloud vendor access tokens. It manages mapping LDAP users to FreeIPA cloud identities for data access. It performs identity mapping for access to object stores.

This section provides information about the options that are enabled by default. For information on how IDBroker works in CDP, see Cloud identity federation in the Management Console documentation.

For Apache Hadoop applications to be able to interact with Amazon S3, they must know the AWS access key and the secret key. This can be achieved in multiple ways, including configuration properties, environment variables, and EC2 instance metadata. While the first two options can be used when accessing S3 from a cluster running in your own data center. IAM roles, which use instance metadata should be used to control access to AWS resources if your cluster is running on EC2.

Deployment Scenario Authentication Options
Cluster runs on EC2 Use IAM roles to bind your EC2 VMs to a specific role, and so manage its access to AWS resources. IDBroker will provide authenticated users with the AWS credentials they need to access data in S3. There is no need to manually provide any AWS login credentials directly to users
Cluster runs in your own data center Use configuration properties to authenticate. You can set the configuration properties globally or per-bucket.

Temporary security credentials, also known as "session credentials", can be issued. These consist of a secret key with a limited lifespan, along with a session token, another secret which must be known and used alongside the access key. The secret key is never passed to AWS services directly. Instead it is used tosign the URL and headers of the HTTP request.

By default, the S3A filesystem client follows the following authentication chain:
  1. The AWS login details are looked for in the job configuration settings.
  2. The AWS environment variables are then looked for.
  3. An attempt is made to query the Amazon EC2 Instance Metadata Service to retrieve credentials published to EC2 VMs.

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