Indexing Data Using MorphlinesPDF version

Enable Replication on HBase Column Families

Ensure that cluster-wide HBase replication is enabled, as described in Lily HBase Near Real Time Indexing for Cloudera Search. Use the HBase shell to define column-family replication settings.

  1. For every existing table, set the REPLICATION_SCOPE on every column family that you want to index:
    hbase shell
    hbase shell> disable 'sample_table'
    hbase shell> alter 'sample_table', {NAME => 'columnfamily1', REPLICATION_SCOPE => 1}
    hbase shell> enable 'sample_table'
  2. For every new table, set the REPLICATION_SCOPE on every column family that you want to index using a command such as the following:
    hbase shell
    hbase shell> create 'test_table', {NAME => 'testcolumnfamily', REPLICATION_SCOPE => 1}

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