Configuring Apache Hadoop YARN High AvailabilityPDF version

Example: Configuration for work preserving recovery

Use work preserving recovery properties to enable and configure this feature.

<description>Whether to enable work preserving recovery for the Resource Manager.</description> 
<description>Whether to enable work preserving recovery for the Node Manager.</description> 
<description>The location for stored state on the Node Manager, if work preserving recovery is enabled.</description>
<description>The address of the container manager in the Node Manager.</description>

 <description>The class name of the state-store to be used for saving application/attempt state and the credentials. </description> 

<description>Comma separated list of Host:Port pairs. Each corresponds to a ZooKeeper to be used by the Resource Manager for storing Resource Manager state.</description> 

<description>The full path of the root znode where Resource Manager state will be stored.</description> 

<description>Number of times Resource Manager tries to connect to ZooKeeper server if the connection is lost.</description> 

<description>The interval in milliseconds between retries when connecting to a ZooKeeper server.</description> 

<description> ZooKeeper session timeout in milliseconds. Session expiration is managed by the ZooKeeper cluster itself and not by the client. This value is used by the cluster to determine when the client's session expires. Expirations happens when the cluster does not hear from the client within the specified session timeout period (that is, no heartbeat). </description> 

<description>ACLs to be used for setting permissions on ZooKeeper znodes.</description> 

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