Using Apache HBase Backup and Disaster RecoveryPDF version

Manage HBase snapshots using Cloudera Manager

For HBase services, you can use the Table Browser tab to view the HBase tables associated with a service on your cluster. You can view the currently saved snapshots for your tables, and delete or restore them.

From the HBase Table Browser tab, you can:

  • View the HBase tables for which you can take snapshots.
  • Initiate immediate (unscheduled) snapshots of a table.
  • View the list of saved snapshots currently maintained. These can include one-off immediate snapshots, as well as scheduled policy-based snapshots.
  • Delete a saved snapshot.
  • Restore from a saved snapshot.
  • Restore a table from a saved snapshot to a new table (Restore As).

To browse the HBase tables to view snapshot activity:

  1. From the Clusters tab, select your HBase service.
  2. Go to the Table Browser tab.
To take a snapshot:
  1. Click a table.
  2. Click Take Snapshot.
  3. Specify the name of the snapshot, and click Take Snapshot.

To delete a snapshot, click and select Delete.

To restore a snapshot, click and select Restore.
To restore a snapshot to a new table, select Restore As from the menu associated with the snapshot, and provide a name for the new table.

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