Configuring OoziePDF version

Configuring Oozie to enable MapReduce jobs to read or write from Amazon S3

MapReduce jobs controlled by Oozie as part of a workflow can read from and write to Amazon S3.

You will need your AWS credentials (the appropriate Access key ID and Secret access key obtained from Amazon Web Services for your Amazon S3 bucket). After storing these credentials in the keystore (the JCEKS file), specify the path to this keystore in the Oozie workflow configuration.
This setup is for use in the context of Oozie workflows only, and does not support running shell scripts on Amazon S3 or other types of scenarios.
  1. Create the credential store (.jceks) and add your AWS access key to it as follows:
    hadoop credential create fs.s3a.access.key -provider \
    jceks://hdfs/path/to/file.jceks -value access_key_id
    For example:
    hadoop credential create fs.s3a.access.key -provider \
    jceks://hdfs/user/root/awskeyfile.jceks -value AKIAIPVYH....
  2. Add the AWS secret to this same keystore.
    hadoop credential create fs.s3a.secret.key -provider \
    jceks://hdfs/path/to/file.jceks -value secret_access_key
  3. Set to the path of the .jceks file in Oozie's workflow.xml file in the MapReduce Action's <configuration> section so that the MapReduce framework can load the AWS credentials that give access to Amazon S3.
    <action name="S3job">

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