Developing Apache Spark ApplicationsPDF version

Using custom libraries with Spark

Spark comes equipped with a selection of libraries, including Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, and MLlib.

If you want to use a custom library, such as a compression library or Magellan, you can use one of the following two spark-submit script options:

  • The --jars option, which transfers associated .jar files to the cluster. Specify a list of comma-separated .jar files.

  • The --packages option, which pulls files directly from Spark packages. This approach requires an internet connection.

For example, you can use the --jars option to add codec files. The following example adds the LZO compression library:

spark-submit --driver-memory 1G \
    --executor-memory 1G \
    --master yarn-client \
    --jars /usr/hdp/ \

For more information about the two options, see Advanced Dependency Management on the Apache Spark "Submitting Applications" web page.

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