Troubleshooting Apache HBasePDF version

Fixing issues

You can fix issues using the HBCK2 tool.

You must keep these in mind when fixing issues using HBCK2. Ensure that:

  • A region is not in the CLOSING state during “assign”, and in the OPENING state during “unassign”. You can change the state using the setRegionState command. See the HBCK2 tool Command Reference section for more information.
  • You fix only one table at a time.

You can fix assign and unassign issues by monitoring the current list of outstanding locks. An assign against a locked region will wait till the lock is released. An assignment gets an exclusive lock on the region.

If you see a master startup cannot progress holding-pattern until region online error in the Master log, it means that the Master is unable to start because there is no procedure to assign hbase:meta. You will see an error message similar to this:
2020-04-01 22:07:42,792 WARN org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster:
 hbase:meta,,1.1588230740 is NOT online; state={1588230740 state=CLOSING, 
ServerCrashProcedures=true. Master startup cannot progress in holding-pattern until region onlined.
To fix this issue, run the following command:
$ hbase hbck -j $HOME/hbase-operator-tools-<version>/hbase-hbck2/hbase-hbck2-<version>.jar 
assigns 1588230740
The same issue can occur with a hbase:namespace system table. To fix this issue, run the following command:
$ hbase hbck -j $HOME/hbase-operator-tools-<version>/hbase-hbck2/hbase-hbck2-<version>.jar 
assigns <hbase:namespace encoded region id>
You can find the namespace encoded region id using this command:
$ echo "scan 'hbase:meta',{COLUMNS=>'info:regioninfo', 
FILTER=>\"PrefixFilter('hbase:namespace')\"}" | hbase shell

The namespace encoded region id is the value under the "ENCODED" field in the results.

If you encounter an issue where table regions have been removed from the hbase:meta table, you can use the addFsRegionsMissingInMeta to resolve this issue. Ensure that the Master is online. This command is not as disruptive as the hbase:meta rebuild command.

To fix this issue, run this command:
$ hbase hbck -j $HOME/hbase-operator-tools-<version>/hbase-hbck2/hbase-hbck2-<version>.jar 

The command returns an HBCK2 “assigns” command with all the listed re-inserted regions.You must restart the Master, and then run the HBCK2 'assigns' command returned by the addFsRegionsMissingInMeta command to complete your fix.

Example output:
Regions re-added into Meta: 2
2 regions were added to META, but these are not yet on Masters cache.
You need to restart Masters, then run hbck2 'assigns' command below:
assigns 7be03127c5e0e2acfc7cae7ddfa9e29e e50b8c1adc38c942e226a8b2976f0c8c

If there are extra regions in hbase:meta, it may be because of problems in splitting, deleting/moving the region directory manually, or in rare cases because of the loss of metadata.

To fix this issue, run this command:
$ hbase hbck -j $HOME/hbase-operator-tools-<version>/hbase-hbck2/hbase-hbck2-<version>.jar 
extraRegionsInMeta --fix  <NAMESPACE|NAMESPACE:TABLENAME>...

If hbase:meta is offline because it is corrupted, you can bring it back online if the corruption is not too critical. If the namespace region is among the mission regions, scan hbase:meta during initialization to check if hbase:meta is online.

To check if hbase:meta is online, run this command in the Apache HBase shell:
$ echo "scan 'hbase:meta', {COLUMN=>'info:regioninfo'}" | hbase shell
If this scan does not throw any errors, then you can run the following command to validate that the tables are present:
$ hbase hbck -j $HOME/hbase-operator-tools-<version>/hbase-hbck2/hbase-hbck2-<version>.jar 

The addFsRegionsMissingInMeta command adds regions back to the hbase:meta table if the regioninfo file is present in the storage but the regions were deleted because of an issue.

To fix hanging references and corrupt HFiles, run the following command:
$ hbase hbck -j $HOME/hbase-operator-tools-<version>/hbase-hbck2/hbase-hbck2-<version>.jar 
filesystem --fix [<TABLENAME>...]

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