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Use cluster names in the kudu command line tool

When using the kudu command line tool, it can be difficult to remember the precise list of Kudu master RPC addresses needed to communicate with a cluster, especially when managing multiple clusters. As an alternative, you can use the command line tool to identify clusters by name.

  1. Create a new directory to store the Kudu configuration file.
  2. Export the path to this newly created directory in the KUDU_CONFIG environment variable.
  3. Create a file called kudurc in the new directory.
  4. Populate kudurc as follows, substituting your own cluster names and RPC addresses:
        master_addresses: ip1:port1,ip2:port2,ip3:port3
        master_addresses: ip4:port4
  5. When using the kudu command line tool, replace the list of Kudu master RPC addresses with the cluster name, prepended with the character @. For example:
    $ sudo -u kudu kudu cluster @cluster_name1

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