Troubleshooting Apache KuduPDF version

Symbolizing stack traces

This topic helps you to identify whether there is a high contention among the threads to acquire a lock and a way to symbolize stack addresses.

Sometimes you might see the following in the logs:
0323 03:59:31.091198 (+607857us)] Waited 492 ms on lock 0x4cb0960. stack: 0000000002398852 0000000000ad8c69 0000000000aa62ba 000000000221aaa8 000000000221b1a8 00000000023a8f83 00007fa8b818be24 00007fa8b646a34c

That is usually a sign of high contention among threads to acquire a lock, and in this case the reported time shows how long a thread spent on a CPU before acquiring the lock. The call stack addresses that are listed help to restore the stack trace of the waiting thread and locate the problem in the code.

It is possible to translate the addresses into the name of functions and lines in the code having the binary that produced the output (in this example, it is kudu-master). If the binary is stripped of symbols and debug information, it is possible to do so if the debug information for the binary is available separately.

Assuming both the stripped release binary and the debug information are available as RPMs, unpack them into a directory; for example, sysroot:
$ mkdir sysroot && cd sysroot
$ rpm2cpio ../kudu-1.10.0.el7.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv
$ rpm2cpio ../kudu-debuginfo-1.10.0.el7.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv
Use addr2line to find the line in the code for the stack address. In case if the binary is not stripped of debug information, supply the actual binary with an -e option instead of the debug info file as follows:
addr2line -C -f -e usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/kudu/sbin-release/kudu-master.debug 0x0000000000aa62ba
kudu::master::MasterServiceImpl::ConnectToMaster(kudu::master::ConnectToMasterRequestPB const*, kudu::master::ConnectToMasterResponsePB*, kudu::rpc::RpcContext*)
To achieve the same with gdb, first find the address of the .text section in the symbol file (in the example, 0000000000a2cdb0):
$ readelf -S usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/kudu/sbin-release/kudu-master.debug | grep .text
  [13] .text             NOBITS           0000000000a2cdb0  000002c0
Then start up gdb, pointing it to the kudu-master executable (that's the executable that produced the output in the log file):
gdb usr/lib/kudu/sbin-release/kudu-master
Now load the .debug symbols into gdb using the address found above. Tell gdb where to find source files and set the sysroot:
(gdb) add-symbol-file usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/kudu/sbin-release/kudu-master.debug 0x0000000000a2cdb0
(gdb) set substitute-path /usr/src/debug/kudu-1.10.0 usr/src/debug/kudu-1.10.0
(gdb) set sysroot .
To translate the address into line number and function information, use info line * <address>:
(gdb) info line * 0x0000000000aa62ba
Line 504 of "/usr/src/debug/kudu-1.10.0/src/kudu/master/"
   starts at address 0xaa62af <kudu::master::MasterServiceImpl::ConnectToMaster(kudu::master::ConnectToMasterRequestPB const*, kudu::master::ConnectToMasterResponsePB*, kudu::rpc::RpcContext*)+47>
   and ends at 0xaa62bb <kudu::master::MasterServiceImpl::ConnectToMaster(kudu::master::ConnectToMasterRequestPB const*, kudu::master::ConnectToMasterResponsePB*, kudu::rpc::RpcContext*)+59>.

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