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Verifying that S3Guard is Enabled on a Bucket

When S3Guard is working, apart from some messages in the logs, there is no obvious clue that it is enabled. To verify that a bucket does have S3Guard enabled, use the command-line command hadoop s3guard bucket-info. This will print bucket information, and can be used to explicitly check that a bucket has s3guard enabled.

On a guarded bucket, it will list details about the bucket and the S3Guard Database on DynamoDB.
hadoop s3guard bucket-info s3a://example1/
Filesystem s3a://example1
Location: eu-west-1
Filesystem s3a://example1 is using S3Guard with store DynamoDBMetadataStore{region=eu-west-1, tableName=example1, tableArn=arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:98067886600:table/example1}
Authoritative Metadata Store: fs.s3a.metadatastore.authoritative=false
Authoritative Path: fs.s3a.authoritative.path=
Metadata Store Diagnostics:
	description=S3Guard metadata store in DynamoDB
	retryPolicy=ExponentialBackoffRetry(maxRetries=9, sleepTime=250 MILLISECONDS)
	table={AttributeDefinitions: [{AttributeName: child,AttributeType: S}, {AttributeName: parent,AttributeType: S}],TableName: example1,KeySchema: [{AttributeName: parent,KeyType: HASH}, {AttributeName: child,KeyType: RANGE}],TableStatus: ACTIVE,CreationDateTime: Wed Jun 05 13:23:18 BST 2019,ProvisionedThroughput: {NumberOfDecreasesToday: 0,ReadCapacityUnits: 0,WriteCapacityUnits: 0},TableSizeBytes: 14431,ItemCount: 96,TableArn: arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:98067886600:table/example1,TableId: b4b1b660-9cbd-0000f10623,BillingModeSummary: {BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST,LastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime: Wed Jun 05 13:32:07 BST 2019},}
The "magic" committer is supported

S3A Client
	Signing Algorithm: fs.s3a.signing-algorithm=(unset)
	Encryption: fs.s3a.server-side-encryption-algorithm=none
	Input seek policy: fs.s3a.experimental.input.fadvise=normal
	Change Detection Source: fs.s3a.change.detection.source=etag
	Change Detection Mode: fs.s3a.change.detection.mode=server
Delegation token support is disabled

In this example the bucket is shown to be guarded by a table whose billing mode is "per-request".


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